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One People of God

In the beginning, God created all things. In Genesis 1:1, we see Elemental creation.

This is where he created those "invisible" things that make up everything (atoms).

In Genesis 1:2 we see Structural creation. God formed the earth into a useful place

for His further creation to exist (humans, animals, plants etc.). The rest of Genesis 1

concerns Functional creation, which God did in 6 days of 24 hours each.

The human race was given dominion over the earth in order to be caretakers of it.

Humanity fell and so a sinful nature was passed on to the following generations.

Those that chose to believe in God and trust in Him through faith make up the

people of God. This is true whether they are before the Law of Moses, within the

Law of Moses, or under what Paul called the Law of Christ. The Law of Christ took

the Law of Moses and fulfilled those parts which were weak and through the

enablement of the Holy Spirit brought His people into greater fellowship with Him.

The people of God, like all humans, only live a short while since they are descended

from Adam. However, since they are God's people, they will one day receive new

bodies which cannot die. The end result will come when God recreates His creation.

His people will constitute a new humanity in a new earth with a new heaven. New

in this case means new in nature. The End will be followed by the Beginning. This

beginning in what we call the second Genesis which has no End.

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